Anjem Choudary@anjem Choudary
Whatever Cameron& May do they can't stop the rise of the awakening giant called the Muslim Ummah.
Shari'ah will one day be law in the Uk!
Everyone thought Hitler was a mad man.
This is a Religon of hate.Not once I've I heard a Muslim say to a Christian we are friends we all follow God.
I've seen a lot of Murdered Children who s families didn't join ISA.
Soon be Christmas
Whatever Cameron& May do they can't stop the rise of the awakening giant called the Muslim Ummah.
Shari'ah will one day be law in the Uk!
Everyone thought Hitler was a mad man.
This is a Religon of hate.Not once I've I heard a Muslim say to a Christian we are friends we all follow God.
I've seen a lot of Murdered Children who s families didn't join ISA.
Soon be Christmas