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Brexit negotiations

Dunkels King
Reebok Trotter
Natasha Whittam
Angry Dad
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281Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed Nov 28 2018, 09:52


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Like i said in a previous post no one had a clue what issues would arise with brexit or what the consequences would be.The whole process has been a complete shambles from the start.

There needs to be a cross party approach to this, this is our lives and futures they are messing with!

282Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed Nov 28 2018, 11:07

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

So xmiles, these are "facts" are they?

I don't remember having to tick a box for "educated" or "thick" on the ballot sheet. Please link me to the official independent body that has stated that only uneducated people voted to leave.

You can't, because it doesn't exist.

The irony is, you've slagged off Farage, Boris etc for making shit up, yet you've just done exactly the same thing.

You have an opinion, not a FACT.

You fucking arsehole.

283Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed Nov 28 2018, 11:55


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Natasha Whittam wrote:So xmiles, these are "facts" are they?

I don't remember having to tick a box for "educated" or "thick" on the ballot sheet. Please link me to the official independent body that has stated that only uneducated people voted to leave.

You can't, because it doesn't exist.

The irony is, you've slagged off Farage, Boris etc for making shit up, yet you've just done exactly the same thing.

You have an opinion, not a FACT.

You fucking arsehole.

As usual more abuse from somebody else who doesn't understand what a poll or survey is. I am not making things up (unlike so many brexit fans). Every survey and poll undertaken has shown that the older you are and the less well educated you are the more likely you are to have voted brexit, That is a fact not an opinion.

Try looking up fact and opinion in a dictionary. Then maybe you will understand the difference.

Funny how all the abuse comes from brexiteers. Perhaps it is because you are incapable of engaging in a rational discussion.

284Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed Nov 28 2018, 12:12

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

xmiles wrote:

As usual more abuse from somebody else who doesn't understand what a poll or survey is. I am not making things up (unlike so many brexit fans). Every survey and poll undertaken has shown that the older you are and the less well educated you are the more likely you are to have voted brexit, That is a fact not an opinion.

Try looking up fact and opinion in a dictionary. Then maybe you will understand the difference.

Funny how all the abuse comes from brexiteers. Perhaps it is because you are incapable of engaging in a rational discussion.

You called me uneducated, is that not abuse?

I know exactly what a poll is. They don't poll every voter, they poll about 50 people - I know because I pay to have polls done.

So I'll ask again, link me to an official independent site that states that only uneducated people voted to leave.

285Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed Nov 28 2018, 12:58


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

I didn't call you uneducated. Try reading what I wrote.

286Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed Nov 28 2018, 13:01

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

For a third time, link me to an official independent site that states that only uneducated people voted to leave.

287Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed Nov 28 2018, 14:02


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Natasha Whittam wrote:For a third time, link me to an official independent site that states that only uneducated people voted to leave.

Here's an official Independent site link quoting researchers at the University of Leicester on the subject.

"researchers at the University of Leicester say that had just 3% more of the population gone to university, the UK would probably not be leaving the EU"


288Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed Nov 28 2018, 14:13

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I see what you did there.

Don't do it again.

289Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed Nov 28 2018, 18:35


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I see Carney's at it again.

290Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed Nov 28 2018, 19:40


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

The comments above show just how broken this country is at this point, everyone as a view an opinion but no one really knows all the facts and no one really can think off a workable solution that everyone can get behind.
I have been interested in politics all my life, i am 65 voted remain, i have never missed voting in any election since i was 18 years old. BUT i am confused as hell over were i stand on this issue ?

I voted remain, i am a Labour party member, so you would think it natural that i would either want a general election, or a peoples vote.

And this is were i have a problem, in my opinion it was a huge mistake to vote to leave the EU, i am entitled to that view, however i am a democrat so could not support a second referendum even though i think we were not given the truth to make an informed decision i fear a second vote would alienate the voters against MP's for a generation or two.

So you would think a general election would appease me? well no because for the first time in my life right at this moment i think it would be a mistake for another party to take ownership of this mess.

This started with Cameron trying to lance a Tory boil, he thought he could get a quick fix and it back fired, so this is a mess started by the Tories and then mismanaged by this government, they own this mess and should be judged on the outcome for years to come.

 If Labour took control and failed, they would inherit the blame and we know that the Tories would soon make it stick.

291Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed Nov 28 2018, 20:20

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Xmiles has had all day to prove his "fact".

Seems like he couldn't.

Make sure your next post is an apology you condescending wanker.

292Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed Nov 28 2018, 20:25



I think Xmiles is probably right in terms of voting trends amongst demographics - but it’s not relevant IMO. 

There’s nobody to blame other than the Brexiteers who sold the pack of lies, as Glos points out there was misinformation on both sides making an informed decision incredibly difficult. You can’t blame people for buying a narrative created to play on their fears and concerns.

Don’t blame voters, the EU or remainers for this mess it’s entirely the fault of a small group of politicians and the financiers and media backers who made it possible.

293Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Wed Nov 28 2018, 22:17


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Natasha Whittam wrote:Xmiles has had all day to prove his "fact".

Seems like he couldn't.

Make sure your next post is an apology you condescending wanker.

1. Always with the abuse never an actual reasoned argument.

2. You still don't seem to understand what a fact is. Try using a dictionary.

3. I have never stated "only uneducated people voted to leave". Show me where I said that or apologise.

4. The YouGov poll I quoted surveyed over 5000 people, which you would have known if you had taken the trouble to read it.

5. Since I have a life and don't spend all day on this site unlike people with over 30,000 posts I didn't see your post until a few minutes ago.

6. Stand by for more hysterical abuse.

294Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Thu Nov 29 2018, 06:01

Dunkels King

Dunkels King
Nicolas Anelka
Nicolas Anelka

Natasha Whittam wrote:Xmiles has had all day to prove his "fact".

Seems like he couldn't.

Make sure your next post is an apology you condescending wanker.
Why do you have to resort to such language when you don’t agree with something ? Xmiles doesn’t have to prove something that you can find by following the link provided. Just like 90% of all the shit that Brexit supporting politicians spout can be proven to be false or half truths by bothering to actually read up on it. I mentioned to a friend yesterday that many companies are already looking to move positions to mainland Europe, and in some cases completely close up their UK operations. His retort was that Boeing, the massive Aircraft manufacturer is setting up a facility near Sheffield, which just goes to show how we can attract companies. The only problem is the facility only needs 30 people of which 19 will be apprentices, so infact Boeing will only employ and pay for 11 people. Every staunch leaver I have met just now seems hell bent on leaving no matter what the impact will be. They would rather be worse off with no future opportunities for their children and grand children than admit it is a bit of a disaster. Anyone thinking that all of a sudden the UK will become a manufacturing powerhouse again is living in a dream world. Those times are long gone because half of what was classed as third world is now infact more powerful than the UK and able to undercut anything we can provide by such an amount that the transportation costs from half way around the world are completely insignificant. Even our “best buddies” the USA are already one of around 20 Countries blocking our attempts at getting fast track WTO access.

295Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Thu Nov 29 2018, 11:27


Jay Jay Okocha
Jay Jay Okocha

Oh the irony! Racists who voted for brexit have seen the number of europeans coming here drop but the number of non-europeans increase.

"EU net migration was 74,000 in the year to the end of June 2018, while non-EU net migration was 248,000."

296Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Thu Nov 29 2018, 11:39

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Dunkels King wrote:They would rather be worse off with no future opportunities for their children and grand children than admit it is a bit of a disaster.

When we leave the EU the world doesn't end you know. Do you understand that there are countries outside the EU that run just as well as countries in the EU.

There might be a time of adjustment but we'll get on with it, despite the bleating and whinging.

As for your children and grandchildren having no opportunities, that might well be true, but it won't be because of Brexit it'll be down to the rising sea levels and ever hotter climate. Yet I don't see you having a meltdown about that. Do you honestly think Brexit is more of a threat to future generations than global warming?

297Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Thu Nov 29 2018, 11:43

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

xmiles wrote:4. The YouGov poll I quoted surveyed over 5000 people, which you would have known if you had taken the trouble to read it.

Ha ha, I actually laughed out loud at this. Ignoring the fact that 5,000 people isn't even 0.1% of the population, you do realise people get paid for doing YouGov polls don't you?

298Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Thu Nov 29 2018, 11:45


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Natasha Whittam wrote:
xmiles wrote:4. The YouGov poll I quoted surveyed over 5000 people, which you would have known if you had taken the trouble to read it.

Ha ha, I actually laughed out loud at this. Ignoring the fact that 5,000 people isn't even 0.1% of the population, you do realise people get paid for doing YouGov polls don't you?

I thought the same Nat.

Xmiles is losing the plot! Very Happy

299Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Thu Nov 29 2018, 11:50

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

xmiles wrote:
5. Since I have a life and don't spend all day on this site unlike people with over 30,000 posts I didn't see your post until a few minutes ago.

I thought insults were beneath you? I'll have you know I only post on here when the adverts come on during Jeremy Kyle.

300Brexit negotiations - Page 15 Empty Re: Brexit negotiations Thu Nov 29 2018, 11:52

Natasha Whittam

Natasha Whittam
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

xmiles wrote:3. I have never stated "only uneducated people voted to leave". Show me where I said that or apologise.

Ok, I apologise, you stated "less well educated people" voted for leave. But the implication is still the same, that people like me weren't clever enough to decide for themselves.

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