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Donald Trump for President of the USA

Ten Bobsworth
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Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit more sense.



Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

boltonbonce wrote:63, I'm done. You're a waste of intellectual space.

I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit more sense.

And the award for best post of the year goes to......  Laughing


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:

And the award for best post of the year goes to......  Laughing
I'd run out of sensible arguments. Very Happy



W63 just typifies what's wrong with the world today where seemingly normal and decent people become brainwashed with what they read and believe from social media.

As Forrest says...

Stupid is as stupid does

Stupid behaviour indicates stupidity.


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Aah wonderful. How reassuring it is to be surrounded by such knowledgable and worldly wide souls. Best of all is they think I’m the one who’s brainwashed!! Ha ha ha just brilliant.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Welcome to the Nut House! Laughing



Whitesince63 wrote:Aah wonderful. How reassuring it is to be surrounded by such knowledgable and worldly wide souls. Best of all is they think I’m the one who’s brainwashed!! Ha ha ha just brilliant.

Well I'm not the one who is in denial of science.

I'm not the one who doesn't understand global security

But I am the one who warned you about Truss economics BEFORE YOU voted for her to become the next Prime Minister who promptly WRECKED the UK economy and was booted out of office within 50 DAYS!!!

One of us lives in la la land and I'm pretty sure it isn't me!


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Donald Trump for President of the USA - Page 27 Trump-puppet-putin


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Sluffy wrote:Thank you Observer, nice to see you are still around and that I've been understanding most of what is been going on, on your side of the pond in respect of the undermining of global peace led by the megalomaniac Donald Trump.

I apologise if by using the wrong term for him above that I caused you to have the need to correct me, I did indeed intended to convey that Trump was the 'puppet master' rather than 'singlehanded', in all of this.

I note the 'package' has now cleared the Senate but I fear for its chances in Congress.

They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, well the expressway in which the American Republican party are racing us down towards it, seems to be completely good intention free.
The Rethuglican Party is a bunch of hypocrites whose sole function is to retain power... period. They preach to the impoverished and downtrodden and tell them why they have been screwed in life. Their only message is fear.  Then they suck them into their cult, and reward the rich while fleecing the poor. Trump has managed to pay over 50 million in legal fees... not from his own billions (?), but from the donations of his flock. We have two flawed candidates, but one will stand up for Europe and against dictators, while the other fancies himself an autocrat who is immune to the laws of the land.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

observer wrote:
Sluffy wrote:Thank you Observer, nice to see you are still around and that I've been understanding most of what is been going on, on your side of the pond in respect of the undermining of global peace led by the megalomaniac Donald Trump.

I apologise if by using the wrong term for him above that I caused you to have the need to correct me, I did indeed intended to convey that Trump was the 'puppet master' rather than 'singlehanded', in all of this.

I note the 'package' has now cleared the Senate but I fear for its chances in Congress.

They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, well the expressway in which the American Republican party are racing us down towards it, seems to be completely good intention free.
The Rethuglican Party is a bunch of hypocrites whose sole function is to retain power... period. They preach to the impoverished and downtrodden and tell them why they have been screwed in life. Their only message is fear.  Then they suck them into their cult, and reward the rich while fleecing the poor. Trump has managed to pay over 50 million in legal fees... not from his own billions (?), but from the donations of his flock. We have two flawed candidates, but one will stand up for Europe and against dictators, while the other fancies himself an autocrat who is immune to the laws of the land.

A bit like the Conservatives then.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse




Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

It won't make a blind bit of difference to his followers, if anything it will make more crazy Yanks vote for him. I saw a Doctor on Twitter recently who said Trump could rape his Mother in front of him and he would still vote for him  Shocked


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Norpig wrote:It won't make a blind bit of difference to his followers, if anything it will make more crazy Yanks vote for him. I saw a Doctor on Twitter recently who said Trump could rape his Mother in front of him and he would still vote for him  Shocked


Andy Walker
Andy Walker

Norpig wrote:It won't make a blind bit of difference to his followers, if anything it will make more crazy Yanks vote for him. I saw a Doctor on Twitter recently who said Trump could rape his Mother in front of him and he would still vote for him  Shocked
Trump's quote was ""I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, okay, and I wouldn't lose any voters, okay?" 


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Sadly this is how politics has become in Western democracies with neither side any longer prepared to listen to the other. Everything’s adversarial with neither prepared to give ground. The USA is just a bigger version of virtually all governments in the West and it isn’t likely to get better any time soon. Does democracy actually still work? Say what you like about the Russians, N Koreans and Chinese and whilst there’s much wrong with them at least they aren’t promised any serious say in what happens. Maybe it’s time we had a dictator, left or right it doesn’t really matter as long as we all follow one path.



Whitesince63 wrote:Sadly this is how politics has become in Western democracies with neither side any longer prepared to listen to the other. Everything’s adversarial with neither prepared to give ground. The USA is just a bigger version of virtually all governments in the West and it isn’t likely to get better any time soon. Does democracy actually still work? Say what you like about the Russians, N Koreans and Chinese and whilst there’s much wrong with them at least they aren’t promised any serious say in what happens. Maybe it’s time we had a dictator, left or right it doesn’t really matter as long as we all follow one path.


Oh My God!!!

You want a DICTATOR????

Have you any clue what you wish for?

If you look through history sole power simply means fear, poverty and exploitation to the masses - a life of servitude (slavery).

Look at Putin's Russia which is basically a feudalistic serfdom, Xi's China where all dissent is crushed, North Korea where people starve to death, Iran where they kill women for not wearing a headscarf.

Look at Venezuela held up to be a left wing political paradise and how due to one man...

Venezuela went from being one of the richest countries in Latin America to one of the poorest.[87] Hugo Chávez's socioeconomic policies of relying on oil sales and importing goods resulted in large amounts of debt, no change to corruption in Venezuela and culminated into a crisis in Venezuela.[87] As a result, the Venezuelan refugee crisis, the largest emigration of people in Latin America's history,[88] occurred, with over 7 million – about 20% of the country's population – emigrating.

Look at the collapse of South Africa under the ANC since Mandela died.

Why would anyone - even you - want to give up your freedom?

Christ you stormed off here because you thought I was some sort of a dictator, God help you if you ever had to live under a real one!


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

As usual Sluffy full of shit and “I know everything.” People don’t starve under democracies, don’t live in poverty or on the street do they? The vast majority of people in Russia, China and Korea actually live good lives but always aware of their status. Western democracies are increasingly destroying themselves in the name of human rights, net zero and diversity and inclusion. This country is destroying itself more quickly than could ever have been imagined even ten years ago. GB used to be a world leader in democracy, human rights and fairness but mass immigration, pandering to small groups and allowing that fairness to be manipulated is turning us into a joke and sadly people like you are at the root of it. You carry on thinking you’re Mr Righteous whilst you continue to drag us all down with you. It won’t matter anyway soon, neither of us will be here but I’d much rather leave a version of my perfect world to my grandkids than any version of your sink pit future.



They don't starve do they not...?

North Koreans are at growing risk of starvation
Reports of terrible hunger are emerging from the closed-off state

Hunger makes people desperate. On February 10th a starving man in his 70s took a stand outside the communist party office in Hyesan, a city in the northern part of North Korea. As party members arrived for work, he called out, “I’ll die of starvation if things continue like this, please give me food.” Other famished people quickly joined him. When security guards tried to dispel the crowd, a skirmish ensued. In a country where causing a disturbance can get you sent to the gulag, or worse, dissent of this kind appears to be vanishingly rare.

Such incidents, reported by Rimjin-gang, a secret group of journalists operating inside North Korea, offer a glimpse of the closed-off state’s growing food crisis. The un reckons that between 2019 and 2021, 42% of North Koreans were malnourished. And as a result of poor weather conditions and a shortage of fertiliser—in part due to the country’s self-imposed three-year quarantine—it had an especially poor harvest last year. Total food production was only 4.5m tonnes, down by 3.8% compared with the year before, according to South Korea’s rural development agency. That is more than 1.2m tonnes less than the UN’s World Food Programme estimated in 2019 was needed to feed the country.


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Rishi is planning on putting those on universal credit and pip into extreme poverty if he gets elected…

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