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Coronavirus - will we survive?

Ten Bobsworth
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921Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Mon Jul 19 2021, 16:18


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I have a list of well known movies I've yet to see, and that's on it. Along with The Sound Of Music.

I'll probably get around to them eventually.

922Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Mon Jul 19 2021, 16:24


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cajunboy wrote:
Yes I will, I've just been reading about the Panorama prog tonight on the BBC home page.
Will be a tough watch. But if it brings about real change, it's worth it.

923Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Mon Jul 19 2021, 16:43


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Yes it will be gut wrenching and makes me feel guilty in a strange way.  My wife loves horses, having ridden when she was younger and is very knowledgeable about them. She  has one share in each of four horses and loves  following them .

924Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Mon Jul 19 2021, 18:44


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

Never seen It's a Wonderful Life. Recommended or not?

925Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Mon Jul 19 2021, 19:55



I preferred 'Harvey' myself!

Anyway back on thread.

You've got to laugh really.

Lockdown is over, people can go to nightclubs - not social distance, wear masks, not having to stay in bubbles or anything!

Yippee (well if I was forty years younger I might have said that - I'm a lot too old to be clubbing it these days!)

But wait...

By the end of SEPTEMBER the government is going to introduce legislation where you can only enter clubs if you've had both your jabs!

So you can go out and freely catch Covid in the nightclubs for the next two and a half months until they become 'safe' from it by introducing entry to those who have had two jabs only!!!


What a joke.

Fwiw it looks to me is the plan is for all the youngsters - who lets be honest are the ones must likely to catch it and pass it on by their behaviour and lack of consideration to most anyone else - and build up herd immunity as quickly as possible before the cold weather forces everyone back inside again.

Seems a big gamble so let us hope they've got it right!

For the record only 34,000 first jabs were given yesterday - so it looks as though the youngsters and the determined old refuseniks in the remaining 6m or so 18 years and older population still to have their first jab certainly aren't rushing to get one!

And the more that aren't jabbed, the more chance Covid has of spreading!

926Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Mon Jul 19 2021, 20:38


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

okocha wrote:Never seen It's a Wonderful Life. Recommended or not?
Best feelgood film ever. Get it watched. Harvey is brilliant too.

927Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Tue Jul 20 2021, 13:21



Thought this was interesting -

Hospitalisation figures show vaccine effectiveness

Reports of vaccinated people ending up in hospital causes alarm.

On Monday, chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance revealed that around 60% of hospitalisations were among people who are unvaccinated.

So that means for every 60 unvaccinated people hospitalised, about 40 who have been vaccinated are also ending up in hospital. Does that mean the vaccines are not working very well? Absolutely not.

That’s because for every 60 unvaccinated people, there are about 440 vaccinated adults in the population.

So that means the numbers of vaccinated people in hospital are at least 10 times lower than they would be if the vaccines did not work at all.

The 60:40 ratio therefore suggests the vaccines are a little over 90% effective at keeping people out of hospital.

But the news is even better than that. The figures are skewed by the fact the people who are most likely to be unvaccinated are the younger age groups - the ones least likely to end up in hospital.

If you factor that in the vaccines look to be well above 90% effective at keeping people out of hospital – bang in line with what all the research suggests.

928Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Wed Jul 21 2021, 21:05


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Question: if someone tests positive and then a few days later someone else in the household tests positive, how long do you need to see isolate for. From when the first person tested positive or from when the additional person tested positive?

Can’t seem to find the answer to this.

929Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Wed Jul 21 2021, 21:22



BoltonTillIDie wrote:Question:  if someone tests positive and then a few days later someone else in the household tests positive, how long do you need to see isolate for.  From when the first person tested positive or from when the additional person tested positive?

Can’t seem to find the answer to this.

The way I read this it looks to me it is 10 days from when the second person is tested positive -

If someone you live with has tested positive

How long you need to self-isolate
If someone you live with tests positive, your self-isolation period includes the day their symptoms started (or the day they had the test, if they do not have symptoms) and the next 10 full days.

When to stop self-isolating
You can stop self-isolating after the 10 days if you do not get any symptoms.

What to do if you get symptoms
Get PCR a test to check if you have COVID-19 on GOV.UK if you get symptoms while you're self-isolating.

If your test is negative, keep self-isolating for the rest of the 10 days.

If your test is positive, the 10 days restarts from the day after your symptoms started. This will mean you're self-isolating for more than 10 days overall.


At the bottom of the page it is date stamped as follows -

Page last reviewed: 8 July 2021
Next review due: 22 July 2021

It might be worth looking at this again tomorrow as it possibly may change - I suspect it won't but you never know!

930Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Wed Jul 21 2021, 21:26


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

But this also doesn’t take into account if you already have COVID

931Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Wed Jul 21 2021, 21:58



BoltonTillIDie wrote:But this also doesn’t take into account if you already have COVID

The way I read this is as follows

You catch Covid - and isolate for 10 days.

So does everybody else you live with and who doesn't have Covid.

On say day 4 someone else in the household tests positive for Covid, so they, you and everyone else in the household starts from scratch again and isolate for 10 days from when the second person caught it.

Fwiw I have read cases where you can catch Covid whilst you are already have Covid (if that makes sense) -

"It is possible to catch two Covid variants at the same time, experts are warning after seeing a double infection in a 90-year-old woman who became sick with the Alpha and Beta types first identified in the UK and South Africa.

The woman, who died in March 2021 in Belgium, had not been vaccinated.

Her doctors suspect she contracted the infections from two different people".

I guess the chances of that happening to most people is very remote as the Indian/Delta variant is dominant in this country at the moment but I guess in theory anyway that you could catch Covid and isolate, then on your 10th day take a test and be shown to be negative, yet the next day (your 11th and the other persons 7th) catch it again from them who still are positive from it.

I reckon that if you (assuming you are the person to catch it first) aren't going to be around the old and vulnerable and your test shows you to be negative then the chances are you are not going to be spreading it but I would continue to take frequent tests every time you plan to go out, until all the family all showing negative tests.

But why even do that and just continue to isolate for the extra few days - it isn't as though a few extra days is really such a chore is it?

Remember that even if you decide you've done your ten days and are off, all the rest of the people you live with still have to isolate for 10 days from the second person testing positive.

That's how I view things anyway but what you decide to do is up to you.

Obviously I wish that you and your family (or whoever the people are) all get through this safely.

932Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Wed Jul 21 2021, 22:07


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Thanks, I don’t have it. My daughter does and caught it along with her cousin whilst she was staying at her aunts. So is isolating there. Since then another cousin has tested positive with it, yesterday. So wanted to see what the guidelines said about this.

It’s not really clear and is open to interpretation.

933Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Wed Jul 21 2021, 22:31



BoltonTillIDie wrote:Thanks, I don’t have it.  My daughter does and caught it along with her cousin whilst she was staying at her aunts.  So is isolating there. Since then another cousin has tested positive with it, yesterday.   So wanted to see what the guidelines said about this.  

It’s not really clear and is open to interpretation.

Well she's your child so you've got to decide what is best for her irrespective of the rules really.

If she is happy to stay with her aunt and cousins - and they happy to have her, then I'd let my daughter simply stay there for the extra days.

If however she is unhappy I'd go and get her and bite the bullet and self isolate with her at home (I guess in theory that would be another 10 days for her and your family - simply because you are coming into contact with someone who hasn't fully completed her isolation).

I'd stock up on flow tests though and test everyone in your home daily at least until her 10 day period is up from her cousin catching it - and probably a few days after that as well just to be sure.

Keep her away from nana and grandad though just to be on the safe side!

Hope she and her cousins are all soon well.

934Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Thu Jul 22 2021, 08:23


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sorry to hear about your Daughter BTID i know what it's like as my Son tested positive recently. Hope she's not got any symptoms?

We just came out of isolation for the umpteenth time!

935Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Thu Jul 22 2021, 11:40


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Thanks Norpig, yeah she has lost her sense of smell and taste and feels crappy.  She’a an adult so she can handle it Smile

936Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Tue Jul 27 2021, 13:19


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

My brother popped in to ours on Sunday after dropping my Niece's lad off at his mates. The lad has since tested positive.
Where did I put those testing kits?

937Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Tue Jul 27 2021, 13:36



boltonbonce wrote:My brother popped in to ours on Sunday after dropping my Niece's lad off at his mates. The lad has since tested positive.
Where did I put those testing kits?

Oh dear!

Fingers crossed that you and everybody else are ok from this.

Just to be on the safe side I'll suspend your account on here for the next 10 days so you don't spread any possible virus on to us via the internet.

Hope you don't mind?

938Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Tue Jul 27 2021, 14:01


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

Oh dear!

Fingers crossed that you and everybody else are ok from this.

Just to be on the safe side I'll suspend your account on here for the next 10 days so you don't spread any possible virus on to us via the internet.

Hope you don't mind?
Nat would be thrilled.  Very Happy
Poor lad was looking forward to the Blackburn friendly. His mates dad is a Rovers supporter and got him a ticket.

939Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Tue Jul 27 2021, 14:35



Very Happy

I was hoping one or two might even have bit at that, but you replied before anyone could!

Hope the youngster is ok - they invariably are at that age - one of my brothers gran children has had it and bounced back quickly from it.

Seems to be a bit of a mystery at the moment as to why positive cases have dropped so quickly over the last six days?

I did speculate a week or two ago that I couldn't understand how so many people were being tested positive even at that time because I couldn't figure out who would be taking the tests in the first place if you wasn't really ill from it - and I didn't reckon 40 or 50 thousand a day (or whatever it was) were really ill from it.

The numbers could only come from those who probably didn't know they had it when tested either by local surge testing or having to have flow tests to go to school.

I wait to see if test undertaken has significantly fallen leading up to the schools summer break and presumably the end of surge testing everywhere (I've not read about it being done anywhere recently?).

I've no doubt there are loads of people with Covid now walking around with it unknowingly, and are no longer being picked up as they had been via surge tests/school tests.

Maybe the Indian/Delta variant simply isn't as strong as the others perhaps and people catch it and pass it on - not knowingly - but very few get really ill from it?

I guess we will know more in a week or two's time but things certainly aren't showing 100,000 daily cases as predicted - unless there really are but most people not even knowing they have it and not testing to see if they have - I mean why would they really?

I'm still keeping my head down anyway and will have a look at how things are in Autumn and take it from there.

940Coronavirus - will we survive? - Page 47 Empty Re: Coronavirus - will we survive? Sat Oct 29 2022, 08:20


David Ngog
David Ngog

I'm quite a picky person

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