Whitesince63 wrote:Yet another tick,tick, strangely coming out now through E Mails released. I haven’t see the actual details yet but I believe the discussion revolved around removing the veterinary STAFF, not the animals. The staff then refused to leave without the animals. What would you do, leave them there? Also, as I’m aware this lift was paid for by private money not public cash.
No 63, your belief is wrong.
The email clearly states this...
[An] Equivalent charity Nowzad, run by an ex-Royal Marine, has received a lot of publicity and the PM has just authorised their staff
and animals to be evacuated...
Let me explain the background which is as follows...
The Foreign Affairs Select Committee Inquiry into Afghanistan has published emails received as evidence during its investigations.
These emails show that another animal charity (following Pen Farthing's approval) in Afghanistan requested help to be evacuated and senior civil servants in the UK considered this request.
They were Afghani nationals and the civil servant had some doubts about vets being 'Extremely Vulnerable Individuals' (considering the numbers who probably were and the limited time and capacity to get everyone put safely) but they had to follow the precedent set by Johnson's personal intervention respect of Pen Farthing.
If you read the link I provide below the time-line is from the bottom upwards (in other words read the bottom email first).
The first email is a request for evacuation from a second animal charity after Johnson had personally intervened to approve Pen Farthing, and
animals evacuation.
The second email is saying Farthing won't leave without his Afghani vets.
The top email is from the senior civil servant making the decision in that team and seeking authorisation from his boss for the departments Private Secretary.
Case 1 in his email he recommends the call forward and processing of Farthing's vets and dependants (based on Johnson's personal intervention on that day to evacuate them).
Case 2 is in respect of the second charity he is saying that in view of Johnson personally intervention in respect of Pen Farthing, staff, their dependent's and the charity's animals, that the Foreign Secretary should take the decision about the request from the second animal charity to evacuate them also.
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/43225/html/Johnson stated he didn't authorise the animals evacuation - the initial email certainly gave the impression he did - and the civil servant who made the recommendation and passed it on to his boss for a decision didn't disagree with that comment.