boltonbonce wrote:Don't you think they're taking it a little too far now?
I don't know bonce. I think they are alot more aware of what can happen and it does sound like they do take a bit more care with the stars. But then again all i know us what i read online. I think the benoit situation really was a game changer in not only the care of their physical health but also the mental health.
I hope that is the case as at the end of the day they put their bodies on the line and personal lives on the back burner for millions of people's enjoyment. The lives they lead are pretty much eat sleep wwe repeat and john cena, if he was English, would be deserving of a knighthood. Not only has he been the figurehead for wwe for the last decade plus, his charity work is endless. Maybe aomeone can correct me if i am wrong but not only has he geanted the most wishes for the make a wish foundation, he has done more than the rest of the people who have done one put together.
Sorry for going off on one.