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The Election

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Reebok Trotter
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81The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 15:57



Bwfc1958 wrote:He's campaigning for a 3 day working week. He gets my vote.

I take it you got one too?

I especially like the way he's used red, blue, purple and green ink on his flyer (in addition to boring old black) to make the text in his campaign literature stand out more.

That's some radical shit, right there!

82The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 15:58



Breadman wrote:
Bwfc1958 wrote:He's campaigning for a 3 day working week. He gets my vote.

I take it you got one too?

I especially like the way he's used red, blue, purple and green ink on his flyer (in addition to boring old black) to make the text in his campaign literature stand out more.

That's some radical shit, right there!
they should all take a leaf from lings cars.

best website ever.

83The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 15:58



Hipster_Nebula wrote:
Breadman wrote:


Now that's the kind of leaflet I'd like to see drop on my door mat.


That'd be straight in my shredder along with all the other negative bollocks I've gotten from Scottish Labour.

Written by a Scottish friend of mine - who's voting SNP.

84The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 15:59



Hipster_Nebula wrote:
Breadman wrote:


Now that's the kind of leaflet I'd like to see drop on my door mat.


That'd be straight in my shredder along with all the other negative bollocks I've gotten from Scottish Labour.

Yeah, but you're just bitter because we wouldn't let you break away and start your own country.

You and your far right, "single policy", minority party chums should just be thankful we're letting you vote in our election.

If I had my way, you wouldn't get a vote.

85The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 16:02



y2johnny wrote:

they should all take a leaf from lings cars.

best website ever.

Why did I click on that link......?

I've gone blind in my right eye and have lost my sense of smell....

86The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 16:04



Breadman wrote:
y2johnny wrote:

they should all take a leaf from lings cars.

best website ever.

Why did I click on that link......?

I've gone blind in my right eye and have lost my sense of smell....

87The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 16:07


Tinned Toms - You know it makes sense!

Breadman wrote:
Bwfc1958 wrote:He's campaigning for a 3 day working week. He gets my vote.

I take it you got one too?

I especially like the way he's used red, blue, purple and green ink on his flyer (in addition to boring old black) to make the text in his campaign literature stand out more.

That's some radical shit, right there!
I didn't get one. I just had a look at the link you posted. The latest one I got was from the TUSC party. I didn't read the leaflet so I have no idea what they're about. It's worse than fucking takeaway leaflets at the minute, I'm sick of the sight of campaign mail.

88The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 16:51


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

i had a leaflet from the Pirate Party, sadly the candidate wasn't dressed up as Jack Sparrow Very Happy

89The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 16:57



Norpig wrote:i had a leaflet from the Pirate Party, sadly the candidate wasn't dressed up as Jack Sparrow Very Happy

Its all vote john leech boards near you isnt it? Im sick of seeing them.

90The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 16:59



Could somebody (probably Hipster) explain to me the hatred of Labour in Scotland. I'm genuinely clueless on the entire matter, but surely Labour would be preferable to another 5 years of the Tories considering their respective stances on Scotland and the SNP.

91The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 17:31


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Because Scotland has voted Labour without a second thought for years sent these utter cretins to Westminster who claim gaudy expenses and are never seen again, then during the referendum up they came arm in arm with the tories to tell us all how wonderful we were and that they were "proud to be Scottish" And we needed to stay under the thumb of Westminster.... I wonder why, then that cnut Milliband has the cheek to dismiss the Scottish electorate as poison after granting his pathetic party power for a lifetime. 

Then they hit us with the Vow, here, have a few back of the armchair powers from your masters! Labour had 13 years in power backed passionately by Scots and only when it seemed their disgustingly well "expensed" jobs were at risk they want to "reward" us with something they could have given us during their 13 years of power. 

fact of the matter is these Labour tossers (Murphy the worst of the lot) are self serving careerists, they couldn't give a shit about "working people" in Scotland or anywhere else, they knock on your door once every 5 years (haven't knocked on mine ever btw) asking for you to give them permission to piss off for another 5 years down the road and live in luxury while kids are going hungry. 

I want someone who works in Westminster FOR Scotland, after all we were told to "lead" the country during the referendum, now we're being told to fuck off by the Tories (whats new) and that we're tantamount to nazi's by Labour (cunts)

92The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 17:56



The Election - Page 5 Latest?cb=20141128171905

If it's any consolation, Hipster, you're not alone in feeling let down by them, as plenty of us in the North of England hold quite similar views regarding how all they appear to be arsed about is what happens within a thirty mile radius of central London.

At least you've got a credible alternative to vote for and are allowed to walk round with a T-shirt on which says "I am proud to be a Scot!" on the front.

If you walked round down here wearing one that bore the slogan "English and proud!", you'd be branded an EDL loving racist.

You've actually got it quite sweet up there - at least you're allowed a national identity......

93The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 18:06



Cheers Hipster, I see your point. Bread's right though, it's not just you lot who feel shit on by the politics in this country I think most people do. If I had an equivalent I'd vote SNP but I don't so it's Labour.

94The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 18:08


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Most Tories and Kippers are talking about the Labour-SNP coalition that it is a done deal (although I honestly don't think it will) - but they all seem to forget that the Tories sold their soul to The Liberal Democrats - and the difference is???

95The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 18:10


Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Barb Dwyer wrote:
bwfc71 wrote:So who has a wager on the next General Election being in the 3rd week of October, 2015?
I think it's tomorrow.

Good, classic response, but I do think you get my gist of what I meant!

Very Happy

96The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 18:18



bwfc71 wrote:Most Tories and Kippers are talking about the Labour-SNP coalition that it is a done deal (although I honestly don't think it will) - but they all seem to forget that the Tories sold their soul to The Liberal Democrats - and the difference is???

Other way round, I don't see much of Lib Dem influence on the coalition.

97The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 18:33

Copper Dragon

Copper Dragon
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

The Jocks would have something proper to moan about if they'd been treated by central government like we have over the years.

98The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 18:38

Reebok Trotter

Reebok Trotter
Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Free prescription charges and free University tuition fees is not to be sniffed at.

99The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 19:02

Soul Kitchen

Soul Kitchen
Ivan Campo
Ivan Campo

Reebok Trotter wrote:Free prescription charges and free University tuition fees is not to be sniffed at.
I get free prescriptions cos I've earned it!!
The jocks are pissing me off big style, give me a Pole any day,  they get on with the job and are not constantly bleating about their lot. Not to mention the wind blowing up their trossachs, cnuts

100The Election - Page 5 Empty Re: The Election Wed May 06 2015, 19:11


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

What on earth has that rubbish got to do with the election? What "Job" are the "jocks" not getting on with? Building your house? 

chimes in well with the attitude we've heard from the english parties. 

how dare you want a say in anything and you better vote for who we tell you to vote for!

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