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The Bullshit Papers

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121The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Thu Dec 09 2021, 10:19



Thanks Bob Bob I only really found a piece of the jigsaw because you set my mind off thinking about these Covid loans to businesses in the first place.  Without that I probably may well have seen references to the government and Future Fund as I did but not realise or even understand the full relevance of them in this context.

As for the number of views on this and other sites, I would really take them with a pinch of salt as there is so much data capture and searches done by bots and agencies these days to render them meaningless.

For instance we currently have a bot, with an ip address apparently showing it in France (take that with a large pinch of salt too) that has been online since LAST Thursday - and in order to stay online it has to be active on the site each and every hour, otherwise the site automatically logs them out.

There's another one logged in from Monday, this time with an ip address showing the USA.

It's how things are and have been for as long as I know which is at least for ten years or more dating back to when I was modding the Burnden Aces Forum and first had access to ip addresses.

Clearly real people do view threads also but I suspect the reality is that the longer the thread has been in existence the larger the proportion of views increase simply from search bots trawling the thread each and every day, rather than viewed by real people.

122The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Thu Dec 09 2021, 10:44

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

The KA thread on TW has been running for 5 years and has had a lot of comments as well as views.

Its interesting to read some of the earlier ones but, Sluffy, don't you think that any journalist that uses the thread to circulate someone else's bullshit really ought to try to correct any 'misunderstanding' that may follow from it? I do.

123The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Thu Dec 09 2021, 11:23



Ten Bobsworth wrote:The KA thread on TW has been running for 5 years and has had a lot of comments as well as views.

Its interesting to read some of the earlier ones but, Sluffy, don't you think that any journalist that uses the thread to circulate someone else's bullshit really ought to try to correct any 'misunderstanding' that may follow from it? I do.

My dad worked in the building trade and from the age of fourteen to twenty-one learned his craft by being an apprentice to a master builder.

By the time he retired apprenticeships in terms of work training schemes were down to a matter of months.

Standards change Bob and not always for the better.

The rightful indignation over the Xmas party at number 10 was, let us not forget, held and attended mainly by Civil Servants or special advisors, I couldn't imagine anyone in the public sector twenty years or so ago would have thought in the circumstances that it was even a good idea - let alone go and attend!

Our values and standards are of another age and simply not shared by todays generation.

That's why people are outraged at politicians lying and breaking the rules yet invariably think nothing much of doing the same themselves - God knows how many countless thousands that I've personally seen not sticking to Covid rules yet rant on that politicians are taking the piss when they break them in just the same way!

I've no doubt DSB is decent at his job but he and his generation simply don't work to the standards we were trained to do (and pride ourselves in) and that's why inaccuracy, bias, prejudice, agendas of others and even fake news are passed on by people genuinely believing they are reporting 'true' facts.

Nobody even really cares anymore Bob, apart from a few dinosaurs like ourselves.

We get what we deserve as the saying goes.

124The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Thu Dec 09 2021, 13:01

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

We get what we deserve if we don't call out bullshit and bullshitters, Sluffy.


125The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Thu Dec 09 2021, 13:09


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

126The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Thu Dec 09 2021, 22:07

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

wanderlust wrote:Corruption everywhere!
Welcome to The Bullshit Papers, Lusty.
How about summat incisive and analytical to cut through this present perplexity over the shares and the loans?

127The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Sat Dec 11 2021, 08:38

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Not thought of owt yet, Lusty? Never mind DSB on TW hasn't either.

The Friends of Bullshitters (FoBs) don't like it but, bots or no bots, the view count on TW's KA thread keeps ticking away.

128The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Sun Dec 12 2021, 09:10

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Its looking like views of the KA thread on TW will exceed 450,000 today.
Here's the latest  comment from my good friend GudniB.

It looks like DSB doesn't want to justify or explain his reasons for repeating Maguire's pathetic and juvenile attempt to make mischief out of a piece of irrelevant trivia. Could it possibly be that he doesn't have an excuse or explanation?

As it happens there have been some very interesting developments, disclosed in documents filed at Companies House in the past month, relevant to FV finances.

Twitter seems to me to be a bit of a shit hole and I have chosen not to register on it, so can anyone tell me whether Maguire has commented on any of these developments?

130The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Mon Dec 13 2021, 09:07

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

450,455 views of the KA thread now but the TW gang aren't happy. One more attempt to get an answer out of DSB and its a red card for GudniB.

131The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Mon Dec 13 2021, 11:14



Ten Bobsworth wrote:We get what we deserve if we don't call out bullshit and bullshitters, Sluffy.


Ten Bobsworth wrote:450,455 views of the KA thread now but the TW gang aren't happy. One more attempt to get an answer out of DSB and its a red card for GudniB.

Banging your head against a brick wall doesn't achieve anything Bob, apart from simply hurting yourself.

People hold deep seated prejudices and irrational hatreds.

They are blind to any attempt of reasoning or even facts that contradict them - look at Wanderlust on here for a classic example of such!

Nothing, you, I or anyone else could possibly tell them or even provide proof to the contrary of, will ever convince them they are wrong in their unfounded beliefs.

Like Wanderlust they surround themselves with others with identical views as theirs on social media, accept without question what they read to be true as long as it fits with their views - and never think to check the authenticity or factuality of what is being said.  

It turns into some sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

"A self-fulfilling prophecy is the sociopsychological phenomenon of someone "predicting" or expecting something, and this "prediction" or expectation coming true simply because the person believes or anticipates it will and the person's resulting behaviours align to fulfil the belief. This suggests that people's beliefs influence their actions".

These days it is just hatred feeding more hatred - there's simply no reasoning with such folk - they simple don't want to listen to anything other than what they already believe in - especially if it proves them to be wrong!

What's that saying again...

Non so deaf as those that will not hear. Non so blind as those that will not see...

You're just wasting your breath on them Bob.

They prefer ignorance and hatred to facts and reason.

132The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Mon Dec 13 2021, 11:31

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I know all that Sluffy but I don't publish for the benefit of bullshitters or FoBs (Friends of Bullshitters).

TW once had some more intelligent posters and, you never know, there might just be a silent faction that are weary of the bullshit brigade and I can't help wondering what Eddie would have thought of the present state of his alma mater if he were still alive.

Anyway I see that Wycombe Wanderers have filed their 2021 accounts. Well done them. I do hope that Sharon isn't going to take us into fergie time in April next year.

133The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Mon Dec 13 2021, 11:53


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Jesus you two think you are the Woodward & Bernstein of footy forums, watch those big heads when going through doors eh lads?

134The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Mon Dec 13 2021, 12:20



Norpig wrote:Jesus you two think you are the Woodward & Bernstein of footy forums, watch those big heads when going through doors eh lads?

You do realise that Woodward and Bernstein actually reported the truth and the facts don't you?

And not simply perpetuated lies, ignorance and hatred like most people these days seem to want to believe without even giving it a second thought, from those like minded (or being deliberately manipulated!) on social media.

I don't think Woodward and Bernstein got big heads for telling the truth and stating the facts - if they did then that's why I must have got one too!

I much rather have a big head than an empty one though...

135The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Mon Dec 13 2021, 12:48



Bit over the top from Hitchens, as I understand it the students walked out as Liddell started to speak to make their feelings known. Sounds like a pretty standard exercise in free speech on their part, and why not? Liddles racist views he thought were anonymous should be more widely scrutinised.

136The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Mon Dec 13 2021, 13:13

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I do hope that the £20K Sharon's walk raised is put to better use than Lancashire Care spent on its dubious plans a few years back. I attended one of its presentations of what was clearly a shambles but more likely a sham.

I can spare you the detail but I tackled one of the trustees whilst I was there. "Why have you spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on this sham", I asked.

"Well we are spending millions", he replied.

He was right. I'd only uncovered a few hundred thousand by then but I knew I'd only scratched the surface."

137The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Mon Dec 13 2021, 13:42

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I see that Peter Duffy, former consultant urologist at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary, has published another book after being hounded out of the NHS for blowing the whistle on medical malpractice in the NHS. Its entitled Smoke and Mirrors: An NHS whistleblower witch-hunt.

Here's David Drew's review:

I headed my review of Peters 1st book, "State Funded Terrorism." This perfect gentleman who also happens to be a highly competent NHS surgeon and who has consistently done the right thing for vulnerable patients (his own and others) has been terrorised at public expense by the state's agents. In this case NHS employees whose job it is to ensure patients get high quality, safe care.
I also quoted Whistleblower Ed Snowden as saying, "The true measurement of a person's worth isn't what they say they believe in, but what they do in defence of those beliefs. If you're not acting on your beliefs, then they probably aren't real.”
Peter, in Smoke and Mirrors, has shown his worth once again by word and deed. The story he tells is nothing short of incredible. We know the extent to which NHS Trusts will go to destroy whistleblowers but this is extreme even by those standards. Aaron Cummins and Jackie Daniel who were ships captain over the period covered should be deeply ashamed of their roles in Peter's scandalous mistreatment. And the lost opportunities for him to care for patients at UHMBT.

138The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Mon Dec 13 2021, 13:49


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

You do realise that Woodward and Bernstein actually reported the truth and the facts don't you?

And not simply perpetuated lies, ignorance and hatred like most people these days seem to want to believe without even giving it a second thought, from those like minded (or being deliberately manipulated!) on social media.

I don't think Woodward and Bernstein got big heads for telling the truth and stating the facts - if they did then that's why I must have got one too!

I much rather have a big head than an empty one though...
There's you assuming i know nothing again Sluffy, my point was that you two seem to think you are the only ones with a brain on here and the rest of us are simple minded and believe anything we read.

139The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Mon Dec 13 2021, 15:32

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Norpig wrote:Jesus you two think you are the Woodward & Bernstein of footy forums, watch those big heads when going through doors eh lads?
That's very kind and thoughtful of you, Norpig, but I'm not planning on going through any doorways with Big Sam anytime soon.

140The Bullshit Papers - Page 7 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Mon Dec 13 2021, 16:25



Norpig wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

You do realise that Woodward and Bernstein actually reported the truth and the facts don't you?

And not simply perpetuated lies, ignorance and hatred like most people these days seem to want to believe without even giving it a second thought, from those like minded (or being deliberately manipulated!) on social media.

I don't think Woodward and Bernstein got big heads for telling the truth and stating the facts - if they did then that's why I must have got one too!

I much rather have a big head than an empty one though...
There's you assuming i know nothing again Sluffy, my point was that you two seem to think you are the only ones with a brain on here and the rest of us are simple minded and believe anything we read.

1 - I didn't assume anything about you - I merely asked a question.

You're the one jumping to conclusions from it...

2 - Whether you are simple minded or not, you believed much if not all that was said, written and claimed about Anderson even though not one person produced a shred of evidence that he was acting dishonestly or illegally.

I would have thought someone with a brain would have looked before they leapt..?

Look mate its blindingly clear after all this time that whatever I write or do on here, you think that I am in the wrong.

I don't believe you do it deliberately, you're not like Wanderlust who would love to prove me wrong about anything that it consumes him so much, you simply see the world in a quite different way than I do.

I'm very much an analytical type of person and led by my head, you seem to me more emotional and led by your heart.

Whatever I write or have written on here or other forums mean nothing to me, I just post really to help others by contributing a few facts.

I don't really understand why many folk react so badly to that, I guess more than a few don't want to be seen to look wrong, even on a tiny football forum like ours.

If people appreciate what I chip in with, then fine.

If they want to ignore it, then that's up to them.

If people abuse me for it then I'll just laugh at them.

That's all it is to me.

I'm never going to meet anybody off here, I can't make people change their minds if they don't want to and I certainly don't win anything for being right - so  its really just my way of passing the time on (and trying to help others were I can from my knowledge or experience).

No doubt this post will go down like a lead balloon as all my other ones with you seem to have but that's all it is to me, whether you believe it or not.

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