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The Bullshit Papers

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141The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 01:34


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I noticed a few papers went with stories about the government aiming to give a million booster jabs a day to get the whole population done by the end of the year.

Totally understand some can't be done for medical reasons and younger kids won't get it but even so I suspect some folk in Fleet St are mathematically challenged.

142The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 01:47


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Ten Bobsworth wrote:Not thought of owt yet, Lusty?
TBH I thought about it long and hard TB - a good 10 seconds at least - and concluded that I couldn't be arsed contributing to the self-righteous pontification in an evidential vacuum thread.

Not my speciality so I'll leave it to the experts and watch with bated breath to see which one of you will disappear up your own arse first.

Smart money's on the binman Smile

143The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 08:26


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

1 - I didn't assume anything about you - I merely asked a question.

You're the one jumping to conclusions from it...

2 - Whether you are simple minded or not, you believed much if not all that was said, written and claimed about Anderson even though not one person produced a shred of evidence that he was acting dishonestly or illegally.

I would have thought someone with a brain would have looked before they leapt..?

Look mate its blindingly clear after all this time that whatever I write or do on here, you think that I am in the wrong.

I don't believe you do it deliberately, you're not like Wanderlust who would love to prove me wrong about anything that it consumes him so much, you simply see the world in a quite different way than I do.

I'm very much an analytical type of person and led by my head, you seem to me more emotional and led by your heart.

Whatever I write or have written on here or other forums mean nothing to me, I just post really to help others by contributing a few facts.

I don't really understand why many folk react so badly to that, I guess more than a few don't want to be seen to look wrong, even on a tiny football forum like ours.

If people appreciate what I chip in with, then fine.

If they want to ignore it, then that's up to them.

If people abuse me for it then I'll just laugh at them.

That's all it is to me.

I'm never going to meet anybody off here, I can't make people change their minds if they don't want to and I certainly don't win anything for being right - so  its really just my way of passing the time on (and trying to help others were I can from my knowledge or experience).

No doubt this post will go down like a lead balloon as all my other ones with you seem to have but that's all it is to me, whether you believe it or not.
The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 200.gif?cid=a87a70e6kkrx4hmn5lyb7v09oabt301vdz93j2h7iej6o3kn&rid=200

144The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 08:27

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

wanderlust wrote:
TBH I thought about it long and hard TB - a good 10 seconds at least - and concluded that I couldn't be arsed contributing to the self-righteous pontification in an evidential vacuum thread.

Not my speciality so I'll leave it to the experts and watch with bated breath to see which one of you will disappear up your own arse first.

Smart money's on the binman Smile

145The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 08:40

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

450,702 views by today with no comments. And there hasn't been an intelligent comment from the TW gang on the KA thread for more than two years. It still seems odd. Not I might add, the absence of intelligent comments. That's been par for the course for quite a while.

And there still seem to be no intelligent comments anywhere on the conversion of £12.5m loans into shares.

Put aside the contradictions, this is a very significant event. Were the board over a barrel in agreeing to the terms of the government backed loan and what exactly are the shareholdings now?

Last edited by Ten Bobsworth on Tue Dec 14 2021, 09:20; edited 1 time in total

146The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 08:51



Norpig wrote:
Sluffy wrote:
Look mate its blindingly clear after all this time that whatever I write or do on here, you think that I am in the wrong...

No doubt this post will go down like a lead balloon as all my other ones with you seem to have...
The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 200.gif?cid=a87a70e6kkrx4hmn5lyb7v09oabt301vdz93j2h7iej6o3kn&rid=200

Your reply proves my point entirely.

147The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 08:57


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Jesus lighten up a bit Sluffy, even Bob comes back with a bit of humour whenever i mention you two being holier than thou.

148The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 08:59



wanderlust wrote:
Ten Bobsworth wrote:Not thought of owt yet, Lusty?
TBH I thought about it long and hard TB - a good 10 seconds at least - and concluded that I couldn't be arsed contributing to the self-righteous pontification in an evidential vacuum thread.

Not my speciality so I'll leave it to the experts and watch with bated breath to see which one of you will disappear up your own arse first.

Smart money's on the binman Smile


You need help mate.

You clearly have issues if you need to post on the site in the middle of the night, probably half pissed, just to have a pop at me!!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Last edited by Sluffy on Tue Dec 14 2021, 10:15; edited 1 time in total

149The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 09:14



Norpig wrote:Jesus lighten up a bit Sluffy, even Bob comes back with a bit of humour whenever i mention you two being holier than thou.

I tried to reach out to you mate and reason with you and your reply just threw it all back in my face.

Now your telling me to lighten up!!!

Whatever I do is always going to be wrong to you.

Ok I won't lose any sleep over it.

I just tried to clear the air between us and it didn't work.

That's all.

Back to how it has been then.

150The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 09:27

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Norpig wrote:Jesus lighten up a bit Sluffy, even Bob comes back with a bit of humour whenever i mention you two being holier than thou.
Hope you enjoyed the record, Norpig. They don't make stuff like that these days, do they?

151The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 09:29


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy i don't have an issue with you honestly, just sometimes you do come across as very pompous. I know you think i'm always having a go at you but it's not like that from my point of view.

I know you aren't going to change at this stage of your life but even you must sometimes read back what you've posted and think that's a bit much surely?

152The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 10:01


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Ten Bobsworth wrote:
Hope you enjoyed the record, Norpig. They don't make stuff like that these days, do they?

Thank God for some small mercies  Very Happy

153The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 10:14



Norpig wrote:Sluffy i don't have an issue with you honestly, just sometimes you do come across as very pompous. I know you think i'm always having a go at you but it's not like that from my point of view.

I know you aren't going to change at this stage of your life but even you must sometimes read back what you've posted and think that's a bit much surely?

Actually I more often do read back what I wrote several times, mainly because I am 'word blind' and can often miss out words in the text that I see in my head.

It's hard to explain but the bottom line is that I read what I wrote and no I don't think it is 'a bit much' otherwise I would have removed what I'd said.

Fwiw many times I type stuff then delete it before posting it simply because it's just not worth the hassle of the replies I would get back from several off here including you.

I'm not pompous in the slightest and I know that people don't like to be told they are wrong but sometimes it needs eventually to be spelt out to them before they 'get it' simply because they are in total denial otherwise (or in Wanderlust's case simply unable to face up to ever being wrong).

We aren't ever going to see eye to eye with each other and yes you do hold a default position that everything I say and do on here is automatically wrong.

We can carry on that way like we have done for years or maybe we can change?

Who knows but we won't ever change if we can't see things from the others point of view can we?

154The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 10:30


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy i just said to you on my previous post that sometimes you can be pompous, i don't think you are like that all the time (although the last couple of years it is more often).

155The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 11:21

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

I've been having a bit of a think, Sluffy. Trying to make some sense of the contradictory statements on the FV file.

The undated document signed by Sharon and filed last Monday completely contradict all the documents filed on 11 November. I suspect the reason may be that this is a late filing of a document that should have been filed before the 11 November transactions since it states the position before these transactions took place.

I'm beginning to think also that the conversion of the loans to shares is connected to the solvency statement rather than a condition of the government backed loan. Not only do I suspect that FV would be unable to repay the loans, I also doubt that they could afford to pay the interest.

There remain the discrepancies between the board authorising the issue of £1 shares and then issuing 1p shares, who exactly provided the loans of £4.5m and £3m, what the original source of that money was, what shares are now in issue and who owns them.

Meanwhile Wycombe Wanderers, our next opponents, have accounts that are bang up to date, seem quite flush with cash, have an American owner doubtless worth a bob or two and are doing quite well in the league.

156The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 12:40



Ten Bobsworth wrote:I've been having a bit of a think, Sluffy. Trying to make some sense of the contradictory statements on the FV file.

The undated document signed by Sharon and filed last Monday completely contradict all the documents filed on 11 November. I suspect the reason may be that this is a late filing of a document that should have been filed before the 11 November transactions since it states the position before these transactions took place.

I'm beginning to think also that the conversion of the loans to shares is connected to the solvency statement rather than a condition of the government backed loan. Not only do I suspect that FV would be unable to repay the loans, I also doubt that they could afford to pay the interest.

There remain the discrepancies between the board authorising the issue of £1 shares and then issuing 1p shares, who exactly provided the loans of £4.5m and £3m, what the original source of that money was, what shares are now in issue and who owns them.

Meanwhile Wycombe Wanderers, our next opponents, have accounts that are bang up to date, seem quite flush with cash, have an American owner doubtless worth a bob or two and are doing quite well in the league.

Bob, the 'undated' document filed on the 6th December actually has two dates showing on it if you look closely at the little sticker attached to the top of it by CH, the first being the 29th October, the second showing as 3rd December.

I note that the documents filed on the 11th December are all dated as the 29th October.

I therefore assume all the documents flowed from the same decisions and actions of that time and the latter document is not unconnected from or precedes them?

The documents filed on the 1st November are all dated as the 26th October (apart from the Satisfaction of Charges which are both noted as being received by CH on the 1st Nov).

I admit freely that I am out of my depth in respect of company share dealings but the Memorandum of Articles filed on the 11th November but dated 29th October clearly refers to the UK Government and the UK Governments Future Fund - which was the mechanism where companies were able to secure Covid Loans from - but the condition was that there had to be equal private match funding.

"The Future Fund provides government loans to UK-based companies ranging from £125,000 to £5 million, subject to at least equal match funding from private investors.

These convertible loans may be an option for businesses that rely on equity investment and are unable to access other government business support programmes because they are either pre-revenue or pre-profit".

It would therefore seem to me that FV did what they had to do to clear the decks in such a way to organise itself corporately to meet the governments Covid grant scheme conditions and provide the required matched funding - which was basically what the documents sent to CH dated the 26th October did - then entered into the government scheme and organising itself accordingly with the paper work being supplied by CH dated the 29th October.

I assume Sharon's and Luckock charges were settled to facilitate this all happening.

That's my line of thinking anyway.

Maybe the devil in the details of the shares might prove me wrong but I've not got the knowledge or competency to check that out for myself to establish if what I surmise will stand or fall.

157The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 13:26

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Thanks Sluffy. That's helpful.

The document signed by Sharon does indeed have two date stamps on it but doesn't include the date that Sharon signed it. In fact the document doesn't seem to make provision for a date of signature at all. The date stamps look like dates of receipt in possibly two departments of Companies House but it does seem unlikely that a document like this would be paper-filed. I imagine its some internal procedure at CH.

The £4.5m does seem to be Brittan and Luckock but in what proportions and where has that money come from? Unless you are super-rich that's a lot of money to have hanging around. Then there was another £3m to follow in February this year.

Sharon might be pursuing some personal ambition and be willing to spend money on it but Luckock? Why would he?

The government funding looks like a godsend and FV have evidently gone for the maximum amount available, the £5m being 'matched' with the £4.5m loan and £2m share capital.

I'm coming back to the solvency statement though. I doubt that they could have made that statement with those loans on the books and so the answer was to convert all the loans to shares.

Not imo a step you'd want to take if there was another way.

P.S. The PBP loan and Brett Warburton loan have not been converted and remain outstanding.

158The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Tue Dec 14 2021, 14:22



Yes, I don't doubt at all that it is something procedural at CH regarding the dates - but I find it too much of a coincidence that the form appeared to be received electronically on the same date as the others on the 29th October.

I find it difficult to conceive that CH received a document electronically, then printed it out, put a sticker on it, then pass the hard copy over to another section - why not simply forwarded it electronically themselves?

I therefore assume that the 'sticker' has been 'attached' at the end of the documents journey - why is there a need for a hard copy anyway?

As you know I've no idea where the funding had been coming from, the best I could come up with was the line of credit theory which you judged was unlikely to be the case.

I did note though that PBP and Warburton loans remain outstanding - but then again neither are Directors of FV as Sharon and Luckock are - and as such are not seeking a Covid loan

Both PBP and Warburton have security on assets separate to the football club but I would have thought both parties would have been consulted in advance by FV in respect of all the changes that have since taken place.

Indeed the Administrator also has security outstanding on the football club and no doubt he was kept in the loop too.

No doubt you will be able to unpick all this when the accounts are published in due course but for now  somebody somewhere has put money from their pocket into the business (in order to meet the 'matching' element required for the Covid loan) - there's nothing showing that a new loan is secured against assets - no shares have seemingly been sold to warrant a statement of someone with significant shareholdings - so I can only assume therefore that person is Sharon and/or Luckock - and why would Luckock not have held on to his secured status in favour of now becoming an unsecured one if that was him?

Perhaps Sharon is more loaded than we think?

(I don't believe she is though).

159The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Wed Dec 15 2021, 08:25

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Maybe somebody's borrowed money from somewhere, Sluffy. You'll remember that KA borrowed £7.5m from Eddie to keep BWFC afloat.

How any of them will ever get to see their money again is summat else.

The KA thread continues to get views of one sort or another on TW. More than 350 in the last 24 hours but no comments.

I expect to be busy today so may I suggest that anyone in need of a bullshit fix finds summat about Marcus Rashford somewhere. 10%, or thereabouts, of £4m p.a. should buy quite a lot of the stuff.

160The Bullshit Papers - Page 8 Empty Re: The Bullshit Papers Wed Dec 15 2021, 08:54



Ten Bobsworth wrote:Maybe somebody's borrowed money from somewhere, Sluffy. You'll remember that KA borrowed £7.5m from Eddie to keep BWFC afloat.

How any of them will ever get to see their money again is summat else.

The KA thread continues to get views of one sort or another on TW. More than 350 in the last 24 hours but no comments.

I expect to be busy today so may I suggest that anyone in need of a bullshit fix finds summat about Marcus Rashford somewhere. 10%, or thereabouts, of £4m p.a. should buy quite a lot of the stuff.

Someone (Sharon most likely) may well have borrowed money (and we are probably talking in the millions) but it seems highly unlikely that she could afford to pay it back anytime soon if at all - so who would she borrow it from?

Is there a rich Mr Sharon somewhere in the background somewhere perhaps, or Mr Pink Floyd drummer, Nick Mason, or even EDT in respect of Eddie's legacy perhaps?

Who knows but it does seem most likely that if any money has gone into the club - and it looks as though it has to get the Covid loans - its gone in via Sharon, whether that be from her own little piggybank or someone else's.

As for the views on threads (particularly threads that aren't new or newish), I really wouldn't trust them to be real people reading them but the vast number of them will simply be search bots - that's how the internet works.

Enjoy your day with whatever it is you are going to be busy with.

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