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How is the Tory government doing?

Natasha Whittam
Hip Priest
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781How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Mon Apr 04 2022, 17:16


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Obviously a week was too much of an ask. Perhaps 10 minutes to get the ball rolling?

782How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Mon Apr 04 2022, 17:21


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I am not Bonce....I am a free man. Nor am I Breadman although I did work at Warbie's in the summer holidays in the '70s.
I did however notice that Bonce and Breadman share the same first name abbreviated to ****.
Spooky or what?

783How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Mon Apr 04 2022, 17:52


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Sluffy wrote:

He's trying to float the idea that Bread is posting as Wanderlust...

(Count the number as asterixis he posted!)

No I am not. Lusty is Lusty.

784How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Mon Apr 04 2022, 18:01



boltonbonce wrote:
Sluffy wrote:

He's trying to float the idea that Bread is posting as Wanderlust...

(Count the number as asterixis he posted!)

No I am not. Lusty is Lusty.

Yes, I didn't believe the two were connected, I just thought that you were playing a game and teasing others to think that they might be!

And as I've said already Bread is free to post under his own name (yes I know his real name isn't Bread but you know what I mean) if he wanted to.

785How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Tue Apr 05 2022, 01:19


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

As Priti Patel's Immigration Bill is again defeated in the Lords, the Conservatives’ Lord Cormack, who was an MP for 40 years, summed it up by saying that the bill was “largely unnecessary … narrow, mean minded and at times approaches the vindictive” and is “in danger of breaching international law but also international humanity”.

Summary here.

The delay in the Lords may put the kibosh on Boris's plans to fly refugees to Rwanda - yes folks that's RWANDA - for processing.

786How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Tue Apr 05 2022, 10:25


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

wanderlust wrote:As Priti Patel's Immigration Bill is again defeated in the Lords, the Conservatives’ Lord Cormack, who was an MP for 40 years, summed it up by saying that the bill was “largely unnecessary … narrow, mean minded and at times approaches the vindictive” and is “in danger of breaching international law but also international humanity”.

Summary here.

The delay in the Lords may put the kibosh on Boris's plans to fly refugees to Rwanda - yes folks that's RWANDA - for processing.

I agree, the idea is totally ridiculous but tell me what would you suggest doing to stem the flow of refugees coming across the channel?

787How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Tue Apr 05 2022, 10:29


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:

I agree, the idea is totally ridiculous but tell me what would you suggest doing to stem the flow of refugees coming across the channel?
Why would you want to do that?

788How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Tue Apr 05 2022, 11:55


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I thought this was funny. It's the moment Nadine Dorris realises that Channel 4 is not paid for by the taxpayers, but gets it's revenues from advertisers.
I suspect the sale of Channel 4 - probably to a foreign company - is a prequel to the sale of the BBC.

789How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Tue Apr 05 2022, 13:59


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

This is a very revealing poll of Tory Party members published yesterday in Conservative Home.

Just look at where Sunak finds himself.....and even more telling is the incredible (lack of!) satisfaction rating for Priti Patel, the only cabinet member in minus figures! I wonder why.....

How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Cabinet-League-Table-Mar-22

790How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Tue Apr 05 2022, 19:50


Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

Nice to see my MP Ben Wallace top of the tree.

He seems a decent chap and is one of the adults in the cabinet.

Glad to see Sunak near the bottom of the list.

That guy is so creepy.

791How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Tue Apr 05 2022, 23:02


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Cajunboy wrote:Nice to see my MP Ben Wallace top of the tree.

He seems a decent chap and is one of the adults in the cabinet.

Glad to see Sunak near the bottom of the list.

That guy is so creepy.
Sunak always reminds me of a public school educated version of Boris Karloff.

792How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Wed Apr 06 2022, 08:24


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

DEFRA committee report slams George Eustice and Kevin Foster over the government's agricultural and immigration policies in the face of  labour shortages, mass animal cullings, food wastage, permanently shrinking the sector, psychological damage to farmers and anticipated additional price rises for consumers.

Here's the government-friendly BBC version of the story - the Yorkshire Post and others including the Independent didn't mince their words but I've gone for this as it doesn't mention the b-word and we know some sensitive souls are touchy about that Smile

793How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Wed Apr 06 2022, 09:29


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

wanderlust wrote:
Why would you want to do that?
Thank you Lusty, so you would open the UK to unlimited and unregulated immigration then? Very bright response that. We’ll put them all in the streets near you then shall we?

794How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Wed Apr 06 2022, 10:53


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

Whitesince63 wrote:
Thank you Lusty, so you would open the UK to unlimited and unregulated immigration then? Very bright response that. We’ll put them all in the streets near you then shall we?
Of course not.

I am questioning why the government is too stupid to set up a simple system to run security checks on immigrants, issue identity cards, and match them with jobs in the sectors we are grossly understaffed in such as food production where the latest estimates say we are short of half a million workers.

Other countries have no problem in setting conditions of entry that include no state benefits unless you contribute, having a job to go to and paying taxes but it is obviously beyond the wit of these idiots.

Instead, they'd rather make us - the taxpayer - pay 4 times:

- the cost of their ridiculous efforts to keep immigrants out regardless of their skill set
- the cost of sending our food production to landfill and slaughtering tens of thousands of pigs and sheep which altogether runs into £ billions wasted
- the cost of rising food prices to consumers as a result
- the cost of failing food sector businesses and benefits to people who can no longer earn enough to pay the rising costs the government is partially responsible for creating

And who knows - amongst the immigrants there may be much-needed doctors, nurses, policemen, engineers, construction workers etc?

Surely you agree that stopping access to benefits unless contributing (for say a minimum of three years), issuing residential ID cards and investing in the vetting and support of workers into targeted jobs - and thereby further offsetting costs with tax revenue is the way to go?

If the fear of Brexiteers is unregulated immigration, one crystal clear "Brexit Opportunity" - which the government have failed to grasp - is the opportunity to create clear, unambiguous criteria for immigration (and for refugees for that matter) backed up with a smart streamlined process to get the people that we need into the jobs we can't fill - and we can pay for the service/admin, housing and support with the savings and profits our industries will make, our increased production, and the taxes we generate from both the businesses and individuals.
An improved NHS and fresher and cheaper foodstuffs would be the cherry on top.

795How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Wed Apr 06 2022, 11:47


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

WS63:- Lusty is way too bright, informed, articulate and knowledgeable for you to grapple reflection on you, though, so no offence intended.

I also noted Nat's message to you re last night's game; (s)he has a point.....

796How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Wed Apr 06 2022, 11:52

Ten Bobsworth

Frank Worthington
Frank Worthington

okocha wrote:WS63:- Lusty is way too bright, informed, articulate and knowledgeable for you to grapple reflection on you, though, so no offence intended.

I also noted Nat's message to you re last night's game; (s)he has a point.....

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad

lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!

797How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Wed Apr 06 2022, 11:57


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

okocha wrote:WS63:- Lusty is way too bright, informed, articulate and knowledgeable for you to grapple with....
Bullshit. The proposal above is merely a variation of the Australian model which I personally find too harsh but could easily be modified - it ain't exactly rocket science.

I just get pissed off that the government is ruining the economy - and (incidentally) in the process going against traditional Tory capitalist principles - and White knows this which is why he isn't exactly overenamoured with the government either.

798How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Wed Apr 06 2022, 12:18


El Hadji Diouf
El Hadji Diouf

wanderlust wrote:
Bullshit. The proposal above is merely a variation of the Australian model which I personally find too harsh but could easily be modified - it ain't exactly rocket science.

I just get pissed off that the government is ruining the economy - and (incidentally) in the process going against traditional Tory capitalist principles - and White knows this which is why he isn't exactly overenamoured with the government either.
Very fair of you, Lusty. I take it all are as thick as a plank....

799How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Wed Apr 06 2022, 12:27



okocha wrote:WS63:- Lusty is way too bright, informed, articulate and knowledgeable for you to grapple reflection on you, though, so no offence intended.

I also noted Nat's message to you re last night's game; (s)he has a point.....

Sluffy wrote:I've seen these fake accounts deliberately mislead and wind up genuine posters and it's done untold damage to the site over the years.

Sure it is fun at times and yes a bit of a wind up can be harmless but as always things go too far and people get hurt.  We've lost Glos over the xmile account for instance and I KNOW of at least one other fake account on here,

I even treat the fake accounts fairly too, I just rather they didn't cause the havoc they often do.

800How is the Tory government doing? - Page 40 Empty Re: How is the Tory government doing? Wed Apr 06 2022, 12:29


Nat Lofthouse
Nat Lofthouse

I was thinking about the problem of seasonal work requirements and it comes down (as it often does) to our inability to create a joined up strategy and implement it efficiently.

If immigrants could be admitted on e.g. "guest worker" status (until perhaps they could apply for residency after say 3 years of working and paying taxes) how would we ensure continuity of employment for those immigrants that are unskilled?

I think the answer lies in not having sector specific entry requirements.

In the spring and summer, there is a massive demand in agriculture and food production and that peters out in Autumn when the fruit picking season is over.
But then we get increased demand in preparation for Xmas e.g  manufacturing, warehouse work and logistics which extends to the retail sector, post office etc
There are also several types of business and sectors that can handle extra staff all year round e.g. parts of construction, roadworks and labour-intensive low-skilled projects where extra bodies are needed. On top of that there's always community service work needed to clean up our towns and villages and a backlog of projects that have been shelved by local authorities.

It would have to be co-ordinated locally because of transport & accommodation, perhaps by local authorities but having an unskilled workforce on tap with which to support the local businesses and communities they serve could benefit all the stakeholders.

We'd just have to have a "Guest Worker Bill of Rights" to ensure they are supported and not exploited as current legislation allows. Perhaps the NHS Trusts could set up their own health insurance programmes for guest workers and cut out the middle man? After all, it's the big American health insurance companies that threaten it?

And for immigrants? They'd have the opportunity to make money, pay taxes and eventually get onto the property ladder and become fully fledged members of society.

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