Knock the percentage off and calculate it as a decimal and I think you'll get there, Sluffy. Decimals of percentages often cause a bit of confusion. It can be quite difficult to get your head around less than one tenth of one percent.Sluffy wrote:Unless I'm doing something wrong £100k for 0.00075% value's the business massively more than £13.4m
Think of it this way if he's spent £100k for 0.00075% then if he had paid double that he would then have 0.00150% of it, double that again (£400k) he's up to 0.00300%, double it yet again, (£800k) 0.00600% and again (£1.6m) for 0.01200% and so on...
So he would have spent a number of millions just to own 1% of the business, valuing the whole business a hundred times more than that!
If the business was valued at £13.4m and say I bought £1m of it, I would have bought 13.4% of it so a tenth of that (£100k) would be 1.34% would it not.
Not that I've got a spare £100k with a daughter who spends money faster than I could earn it. She is though environmentally aware and business naive like most her generation and I could see how people could well fete Vance for his image of being a 'green' businessman rather than look to understand how doggedly he's built his fortune on the back of it as such.
People tend only to see what is put in front of them and accept it as being so - you only have to look at all the conspiracy theories and how they spread like wildfire on social media and how even many people with professions (and you would have thought had a brain in their head), believe them too!
That's how it is theses days, probably was so in our days too but without the internet being available back then, being not so immediate or widespread.
As they say, 'there's one born every minute' and as WC Fields said 'never give a sucker an even break' and add to it social media, then is it any wonder people tend not to question what goes on for fear of being ridiculed and out of step with everyone else - look at the shit we endured for simply pointing out how Anderson in his actions of running a business that is close to or at insolvency actually wasn't raping and pillaging the club as the vast majority believed (and many still do!).
Sometimes I wonder if it's worth speaking up and doing the right thing, I imagine for someone younger and not financial secure like we are, who do live their lives on social media like their generation seem to do, standing against the crowd knowing you are right and they are under the wrong illusions, must be an incredibly hard thing to do and not a price worth paying for most of them - and I couldn't blame them for keeping their heads down instead.
Guess that's why we live in the world we now do!
I do wonder if young Bellerin understood that it wasn't much of an investment but it seems that Vince wasn't for conceding much to his young admirer in return for his £100K. All a bit of a PR exercise in which the Beeb was a willing participant but £100K into the coffers is not to be sniffed at in present circs.
I still think that there are very few that understood what Ken Anderson's role was at BWFC. Maybe one or two from our efforts but not many.